Generation Jewellery


Here at Banwells we recently had the incredible experience of adding another little member to our family. When a brand new little human is welcomed into the family there is a surge of love that flows through each connected person. You fall in love again with a fresh, innocent warmth reserved for tiny newborns in warm hats and cosy blankets. Giving jewellery can be a way of celebrating this.

As a family jewellers we are in the wonderful position of being able to source unique pieces of jewellery for anyone wishing to celebrate extending, or expanding, their family.

Read more at Jewellery shops Devon


Most Popular Engagement Ring

ringsHave you ever wondered what the World’s most popular engagement ring is?

From data compiled from the searches on and pinboard saves via the diamond solitaire (single stone) has proved to be the most searched and saved of any ring with 103,900 saves.

So simple, clean, and classic is the ultimate choice, and with this style we can help.

Read more at engagement rings


Reasons Why Sidmouth People Invest In Jewellery

buyingServing a population of only around 15,000 there are seven Sidmouth jewellers and they are all doing healthy business, so it would seem that the good people of Sidmouth enjoy wearing jewellery of all types.

People wear jewellery for a variety of different reasons, not the least of which is to demonstrate loyalty to another. The buying and wearing of an engagement ring is an exceedingly important occasion to demonstrate your love and affection for – in most cases – your wife to be, but it is also getting more common for the girl to buy an engagement ring for her future husband as well.

Read more at Sidmouth jewellers