Sell Scrap Gold To Raise Extra Christmas Cash

buy1Christmas is coming and if you need some extra cash a very good way to find some is to sell any scrap gold that you have lying about the house. Most jewellers undertake gold buying in Devon, and you can also sell it by post as there are gold buying companies who operate entirely this way. What they do is to buy scrap gold then melt it down and sell it on to make a profit. A local jeweller may either sell it on or if they are manufacturing jewellers use it in the construction of another piece.

Have a rummage around the house to find any old bling that may be lying around unloved. Look in old jewellery boxes and drawers, and it may even be worth hunting down the back of the settee.

Read more at gold buying in Devon


The Leading Business In Devon For Jewellery Buying

shop1Banwells of Sidmouth is the leading jewellery business in Devon, especially when it comes to antique jewellery. Most of our stock is pre-owned and much of it antique, so no matter where you go you will not be able to purchase a piece that is the same, or even similar.

We are always on the lookout for jewellery to buy and we pay the best prices, so the result is that we have more antique jewellery available than other stores because people come to us knowing they will get the best terms.

Read more at Jewellery buying Sidmouth


Selling Your Jewellery In Devon

buy1If you are looking for a company which engages in jewellery buying in Devon, you really want to look for the small individual – often family run – jewellers. If you go instead to the big chains, you will find that they don’t usually buy individual pieces because their managers are just that – managers – and their bosses will not trust them to spend their money, even though they may be skilled jewellers.

After all, as far as the directors of these big chains are concerned, their local manager could make a big mistake and pay far too much for a ring or a necklace – and remember that these are not necessarily small purchases: we could be talking in terms of many thousands.

Read more at Jewellery buying in Devon